My Blog
Thursday, 26 July 2007
Gunnison Trip, Summer 2007
Mood:  happy
Topic: Gunnison Trip, 2007

Link to Photo Album Gunnison Trip '07

Just got back from Gunnison, CO this week.  Got to see Sue and Colin's new house, spent some time with Tom, Marilyn, Todd, Yvonne, and their kids.  Also had a fun (and tiring!) time hiking & Geocaching.


THANK YOU to Sue & Colin for being hoteliers, event planners, gourmet chefs, drivers, and guides, all while trying to keep their real jobs!  You can come stay in my little apartment anytime!Wink


And props to Dad, Tom & Colin for your Mountain Climbing ability!  I would have been too chicken to climb up myself.  Too bad we didn't find anything!

Posted by marshallmd at 11:21 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 26 July 2007 11:34 PM CDT

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